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New Providence High School

Attendance / Bell Schedule / Marking Periods

Attendance Information


Student Attendance Information

Parents are required to report absences and tardiness of students as they occur.  If you have any questions regarding attendance, please call (908) 464-4700.  The HS attendance secretary can be reached at ext. 1621.  Requests for early dismissal should be completed no later than 9:30 a.m. on the day of the early dismissal (unless it is an emergency).

District and State of New Jersey Attendance Policy

Regular attendance is essential to the successful completion of the course of study. Students are expected to be present on every day that school is in session, except as their attendance may be excused in accordance with Board of Education policy.

Students in courses other than those assigned 2.5 or 5 credits will be advised by the subject area teacher of the number of absences which will result in the loss of credit. In all instances of absence from class, the student is responsible for making up the missed work.

Non-Cumulative Absences

Absences for school approved activities such as field trips, athletics, Student Council meetings, instrumental music class and scheduled counseling appointments shall not be counted toward the loss of course credit. Special consideration will be given to absences resulting from long term (5 or more consecutive days) or chronic illness for which a doctor's note is presented. Also death in the immediate family and religious holidays as prescribed by the State Department of Education will not count toward cumulative absences.

Cumulative Absences

All other classroom absences, except those as described above, are considered cumulative and count toward the denial of course credit.

Attendance Warning Notices

Parents will receive automated files from on a weekly basis indicating their child’s absences from their classes.

Loss of credit will occur on each of the following absences depending on the course:

Full Year Course

Semester Course

Physical Education

Health Education

Honors Science

14th absence

7th absence

10th absence

4th absence

17th  pd absence

REMINDER: 3 tardies to one class equals one cumulative absence

  1. Any lateness to class of less than 25 minutes is considered a partial absence and three (3) such partial absences constitute one full cumulative absence and count toward the loss of course credit unless certified as non-cumulative.