Student Assistance Program
New Providence High School/Middle School has established a comprehensive Student Assistance Program to address the various needs of students and families experiencing such things as child-focused crisis, substance abuse, mental health issues and/or psycho-social stressors. The Student Assistance Program Intervention and Prevention efforts include assessment, short-term counseling, group counseling at the middle school level, referrals and collaboration with parents and other systems.
NPHS/MS Student Assistance Counselor
Mr. David Chango
908-464-4700 ext. 1430
HS/MS Room 430
What is Student Assistance?
The Student Assistance Program at New Providence provides prevention services, as well as confidential counseling services for students. The Student Assistance Program is designed to collaborate with parents in an effort to determine effective strategies to best support their child. The Student Assistance Counselor helps students manage common adolescent obstacles by helping them look at thoughts and events that are affecting them negatively and aid them in developing a plan for change. Assessment and short-term counseling is provided. If ongoing therapy is indicated, referrals are made to private practitioners and/or appropriate community agencies.
What kinds of problems does the Student Assistance Counselor deal with?
- Peer and Social Problems
- Drug and Alcohol Problems
- Eating Disorders
- Anxiety and Mood Disorders
- Grief and Loss
- Family Transitions
- Depression and Suicide Prevention
- Self-Injury
- Emotion Management
- Stress Management
All services are confidential.
Confidentiality laws regulating Substance Abuse professionals is located in the Federal Regulations, Title 42, (42 CFR). With regard to school-based substance abuse professionals, this authority is referred to in the New Jersey Administrative Code, 6A:16-3.2 wherein it states: “Each district board of education shall assure compliance with the following confidentiality requirements:
- Confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patient records, pursuant to 42 CFR part 2; and
- Confidentiality of information provided by….a secondary school student while participating in a school-based drug and alcohol counseling program which indicates that the student’s parent or other person residing in the student’s household is dependent upon or illegally using substances…”
In most cases, only the standard exceptions to this law apply; these are: when a student gives written consent; when a crime has been threatened; under a proper court order; if a student presents as a threat to hurt themselves or others; or a student makes allegations of child abuse or neglect.
Mental Health Resources
- National Institute of Mental Health
- National Association of School Psychologists
- National Association of Social Workers
- General: Psych Questions About Potential Problems
Drug and Alcohol Resources
- Substance Abuse Resources for Adolescents
- Alcoholics Anonymous of NJ
- The Anti-Drug
- The Truth
- NIDA for Teens
Suicide Prevention Resources